Keyword Golden Ratio (KGR) Keywords: How to Rank in 2 Days

We all know the importance of keywords in the article ranking factor. We also know that Google has about 200 factors for ranking, one of which is keywords.

Do you know about KGR? Keyword Golden Ratio (KGR) is a newly discovered effective keyword finding formula. This strategy / formula for ranking KGR keyword articles was first developed by Doug Cunnington of the Niche Site Project.

If you write a good quality article with the KGR keyword, you will get the expected success in 85-90% of the cases.


Another easy way to rank articles; You can read my article on infographics from here-

What is a KGR keyword?

The KGR formula basically contains all the keywords that do not have much content on the Internet. So, if you write an article about these keywords, it will easily rank in search engines like Google, Yahoo, etc.

Keyword Golden Ratio (KGR) refers to a type of keyword, which can be easily ranked in search engines without backlinks.

What are the benefits of using KGR keywords?

Signature to match new site

KGR keywords are great for new niche sites. KGR Keyword’s search volume is within 250. So it’s relatively easy to rank them on a new website.

Easy ranking

When a site is new, it is challenging and time-consuming to rank them by writing articles of high search volume. Only then can you approach KGR keywords.

No backlinks required

No backlinks are usually needed to rank KGR contents. Within a week of publishing the article, they were ranked within 1-3 pages of Google.

Saves time and cost

Ranking without backlinks, so you don’t have to waste time behind random guest posts or other link building. This gives you enough time to pay attention to your site.

Quickly get traffic

It’s hard to bring traffic to a new site. Since KGR content ranks easily, traffic to new websites also starts to arrive faster.